Christmas Cocktails Recipes

Коктейлі на Новий рік рецепти

Christmas is the perfect time to create and enjoy delicious cocktails that will add a special flavor to your gatherings with family and friends. To make unforgettably refreshing cocktails, prepare in advance. Choose a specific range of drinks, the right tools, ice and fresh fruit to create magic in every glass.


Gazpacho: classic tomato soup recipe with variations

Суп гаспачо рецепт Gazpacho

Although gazpacho soup is traditionally considered a summer dish, it is no less relevant in the fall, when vegetables are in season. When fragrant fleshy tomatoes and an abundance of sweet red peppers are ripe, be sure to prepare this simple and insanely delicious vegetable soup. What variants of gazpacho preparation exist and what ingredients will give the soup a special piquancy? (more…)

Salmon Carpaccio Recipe

Карпаччо из лосося рецепт carpaccio

Carpaccio appeared in the middle of the 20th century and originally meant a dish made from fresh beef. It was thinly sliced and poured with olive oil and lemon juice, adding spices. But then cooks began to experiment with the original product, using other types of meat, fish, seafood and even vegetables. What subtleties do you need to know if you want to cook a real carpaccio?

Cacciucco recipe: Tuscan fish soup from Livorno

Каччукко рецепт рыбного супа

Cacciucco or cacciuco is a traditional Italian fish soup. Like all soups from this Tuscan region, it is very thick. Initially, cacciuco was made from any small fish or seafood – whatever was at hand and what was left over from the morning’s catch. But over time, the recipe has changed so much that in the modern soup, all that remains is fish broth and pieces of fried bread. How is cacciucco prepared nowadays?


Greek Grilled Octopus Red Wine Marinade Recipe

Рецепт осьминога

It is impossible to imagine Greek cuisine without seafood. Along with squid, shrimp and mussels, in all, even the smallest, restaurants you can always try octopus – charcoal-grilled, stewed or in a salad. What do fishermen do with octopus so that it is not tough and how to cook spicy grilled octopus in red wine? (more…)

Sun-dried tomatoes: recipe at home

Вяленые томаты рецепт

Autumn is the time of vegetables. Making preparations for the winter, in addition to the traditional ones, do not forget about a fairly simple, but original recipe of aromatic cream tomatoes – sun-dried tomatoes. Cook them in the oven and you will get a wonderful addition to Mediterranean dishes or just a great appetizer. In addition, sun-dried tomatoes fully preserve all the useful properties and flavor of fresh tomatoes. How much time is needed for preparation and drying and how to store dried tomatoes properly? (more…)

Pumpkin cream soup with cream: an Asian recipe

Тыквенный суп рецепт

Autumn is the season of pumpkin. It is used to make porridge, casseroles, and desserts. Today we are going to make pumpkin puree soup. Various versions of this dish are cooked all over the world. Depending on the region, each recipe has its own peculiarities. Fruits, vegetables, spices, cereals, cheese, milk or cream, broth, and even wine are added to it. How to make pumpkin soup and what recipe is popular in Asia?